B. Everett Jordan Project B. Everett Jordan Project, previously known as New Hope Dam, is located on the Haw River in the upper Cape Fear River Basin. The dam is located in Chatham County, NC, about 4.2 river miles above the mouth of the Haw River, 25 miles southwest of Raleigh, NC and 25 miles north of Lillington, NC. The drainage area above Jordan Dam is 1,690 square miles. The B. Everett Jordan Project is authorized for flood control, water supply, water quality, recreation, and fish and wildlife conservation. These are described further below. Jordan Dam is an earthen structure having a top elevation of 266.5 feet, msl and an overall length of 1,330 feet. The height above the streambed is 113 feet. Jordan Lake extends 17.9 miles up the New Hope River and 4.7 miles up the Haw River. The length of the shoreline is about 200 miles. Jordan Lake covers an area of 13,940 acres at elevation 216 feet, msl which is the top of the conservation pool and the normal operating level. B. Everett Jordan Project Authorized and Operating Purposes Operating Purposes Authorized Purposes Authorizing Laws Recreation Recreation PL 88-253 Water Supply Water Supply PL 88-253 Flood Control Flood Control PL 88-253 Fish/Wildlife Fish/Wildlife PL 88-253 Water Quality Water Quality PL 88-253 Public Laws Cited Public Law Date Statute Popular or Common Name PL 88-253 Dec. 30, 1963 77 Stat 840 River Basins, Flood Control