Philpott Lake Project
Philpott Project Products
Description of Philpott Project
Philpott Project Pertinent Data
Kerr and Philpott Daily Operating Log Files for Previous Day.
Kerr and Philpott Daily Operating Log Files for two days old.
Kerr and Philpott Daily Operating Log Files for three days old.
Kerr and Philpott Daily Operating Log Files for four days old.
Roanoke River Basin Daily Reservoir Report for today
Roanoke River Basin Daily Reservoir Report, one day old
Roanoke River Basin Daily Reservoir Report, two days old
Roanoke River Basin Daily Reservoir Report, three days old
Table of Projected Levels for Philpott Lake During Flood Events
Recent Elevation and Flow Information for Philpott Dam
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--1951-1959 (txt format 367k)
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--1960-1969 (txt format 454k)
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--1970-1979 (txt format 454k)
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--1980-1989 (txt format 454k)
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--1990-1999 (txt format 454k)
Philpott Elev, Inflow, and Outflow Data--2000-present (txt format)
Philpott Elev, Rain, Inflow, Outflow and Generation Data for the past 180 days--always up to date
Philpott Lake Monthly Elevation, Flow and Generation Statistics Since 1953
Weekly Power Declaration for Kerr and Philpott
Projected Lake Elevation Chart for Philpott, due to energy declaration
Caution: Information is provided "as is" with no warranty to be up to date or error free.
For additional information on elevations, and flows for the Philpott Lake project: E-mail comments to: